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Pine Straw is a popular landscape mulching material that is clean and attractive in appearance while providing favorable growing conditions and stimulating healthy plant development.

Pine Straw is one of the most widely used mulches for all size projects ranging from residential flower beds to industrial complexes and highway landscapes.


Who Uses Pine Straw?

  • Schools
  • Golf Courses
  • Homeowners
  • Businesses
  • Highways
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Building Contractors
  • Landscapers

This is achieved by keeping the sun from penetrating through the needles to the soil underneath, while still allowing air and moisture to pass freely.

Pine straw helps prevent soil compaction and erosion as well as improving the structure of the soil as it decays. Pine straw naturally releases nitrogen into the soil as it breaks down.

Pine straw can drastically reduce the erosion of soil on sloped areas that receive large amounts of rain or have frequent irrigation. Pine straw needles, when spread, interlock together and form a tight bond that will keep them in place and can even withstand high winds.


Pine straw can be used to protect planted flowers and shrubs from harsh winter temperatures. It acts as an insulator of tender roots from temperature extremes, keeping the soil warm in the winter, and cool during the summer.

Pine straw needles fall to the ground naturally and are hand baled and never require the cutting down or grinding of any trees.

  • 1. How is pine straw harvested?
  • 2. What is the coverage of a bale of pine straw?
  • 3. What are the uses/benefits of pine straw?
  • Pine straw is harvested as trees shed their needles and they fall to the ground. As pine straw is a renewable resource, no damage is done to the tree during this process. Before this process is done, the crew cleans the area of twigs, pine cones, limbs, and spray for weeds. After the needles fall, they are raked by hand into piles and then baled using a box baler. Then, they are loaded onto trailers and taken to their destination.
  • It is our recommendation that a bale of pine straw be applied at the rate of 45-50 sq. ft. per bale to get maximum coverage.
  • Pine straw promotes favorable growing conditions and stimulates healthy plant development.
  • Pine straw insulates the tender roots from extreme temperatures.
  • Pine straw eliminates erosion caused by wind and rain, especially on sloped areas.
  • Pine straw reduces soil compaction by keeping rain directly from the soil surface.
  • Pine straw hinders the growth of weeds in plant beds.
  • Pine straw is a cheaper alternative to bark mulches and can be replenished more often to keep properties looking fresh and colorful.
  • Pine straw has a fine texture and uniform color that some people find more aesthetically pleasing. It also brings out the color, contrast, and texture of the surrounding landscape.
  • Pine Straw is lightweight and can be easily handled, making it easy to spread.
  • Pine Straw retains its all-natural auburn color throughout the season and will even brighten up after the rain.
landscaping using pine straw mulch in private property
yard shrubs with mulch lining their base